Angus: The Angus breed was first imported to
Victoria Kan, from Scotland in 1860 to Canada, as particularly being noted for
their increasing size, maternal characteristics,
ability to forage under rugged conditions and high quality carcass. They are either black
or red in color weighing up-to 568 kg (mature Angus cow) to 1045 kg(mature Angus bull) on average.
Charolais: They are the one of the oldest French
breeds that was introduced to Canada. They are very popular for its ability to
grow rapidly and produce a lean, high yielding carcass. They are manly found in
polled strains. They weigh up to 727 kg (mature Charolais cow) to 1136 kg(mature Charolais bull) on average.
Hereford: They were imported from British Isles
in 1860 to Canada. They are very popular for its ability to grow rapidly and
produce a lean, high yielding carcass. They are manly found in white color with strains of red or black. They weigh up to 682 kg (mature Hereford cow) to 1045
kg(mature here ford bull) on average.
The Canadian Simmental
blends the unique characteristics of five European Simmental strains: the
Simmental from Switzerland, the Pie Rouge, Abundance and Montpelier of France
and the German Fleckvieh. They are
usually light tan to dark red color with white markings. They weigh
up to 727 kg (mature Simmental cow) to 1273 kg(mature Simmental bull) on average.
Blonde D'Aquitaine: This breed was originated
in France where it was developed as a dual purpose breed. Today, they are recognized
primarily for its beef characteristics, feed efficiency and carcass quality. They weigh
up to 818 kg (mature Simmental cow) to 1091 kg(mature Simmental bull) on average.